Pet Shops Malaysia

Pet Shops Malaysia is a directory of pet shops, pet service providers, veterinarians, and animal shelters in Malaysia.

This website was built to list pet services in the country: pet stores, veterinarians, groomers, boarding services, pet sitters, pet breeders, animal shelters … anything that relates to pets and animal care.

This site is open for users to list their own favorite pet shop. pet service, vet, or animal shelter, and business owners are encouraged to list their services on this site.

We hope that by using our site, pet owners and their animal companions can lead better lives together by gaining better access to pet service providers, wherever you may be, and whatever your needs may be.

Find A Pet Shop

  • Visit a Pet Shop listed on our site to find pet food, toys, and other essential pet products to care for your pet.
  • Our Find A Pet Shop! feature allows you quick access to pet shop locations closest to you. This feature requires access to your location to work, so don’t freak out.

Find An Animal Shelter!

  • If you happen to be a superhero and rescue or pick up a stray… only God can reward you. Animals rarely ever earn any money.
  • If it so happens you can no longer care for your rescue or your beloved pet, we sincerely hope you visit an Animal Shelter to arrange for their future care.

Find A Vet

  • If your pet is sick, we truly hope you’ll take him or her to a Vet listed on our site for proper medical attention. Not all of us are as patient or as good with animals as Dr. Pol.
  • Animal anatomy and physiology is very different from humans, so best leave it to the experts.

Adopt A Pet!

We strongly encourage pet adoption, and we hope you visit an Animal Shelter or other links listed on our website to pick up your new animal friend.

About The Team

Behind the scenes


Mad Scientist

Built and runs this website.
  • Dude 100% 100%
  • Likes Cats 100% 100%

Hi, I’m Anis.

I built this website with Lily and the cats as supervisors because having a list of pet services on-hand for reference feels very useful to a lot of Malaysians. A directory of pet services, vets, and animal shelters that is periodically updated has never existed in this country before this site. 

I hope that with the information presented in this site pet lovers and pet parents in Malaysia will be able to lead more happy and fulfilling lives together with their animal companion(s).

If you need to get in touch with me with feedback, suggestions, or general inquiries about this site, please contact me via email or the contact form. I generally respond within 24-48 hours.

Thanks for visiting this site, and I sincerely hope you found some good use out of it.

Contributors & Collaborators


Hooman Management

Chiko is a chonky boi that likes to eat and relax. He is best friends with Nona.

  • Cat 100% 100%
  • Likes Hoomans 100% 100%


Hooman Management

Nona is a cat that came to us when she was very tiny and distraught and has been living with us ever since. She is generally afraid of humans she doesn’t know.

  • Cat 100% 100%
  • Likes Hoomans 50% 50%



Lily drew all the pretty pictures on this site.

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